Moray East Powering Scotland's future today

Through renewable energy

Moray East is providing a secure and reliable source of energy without creating gases associated with global warming and without producing nuclear waste.

Moray East is a highly competitive offshore wind project, located in the outer Moray Firth in the northeast of Scotland. Ocean Winds led the development of the project, alongside Moray West and Caledonia. Moray East is operated and maintained by Ocean Winds from a state-of-the-art base on Fraserburgh Harbour.

Secure & Reliable Energy

By harnessing the power of offshore wind, it contributes to a cleaner, more sustainable energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions. This large-scale renewable project plays a crucial role in the UK’s transition to net-zero emissions while also enhancing energy security.

Helping to supply UK homes with renewable energy

The electrical power generated by the wind turbines will be collected offshore via buried inter-array cables to three offshore substations where the electricity is stepped up in voltage and exported onshore via three export cables. The onshore cables entering the substation of New Deer will further regulate the voltage to transmission level and to transmit the 950MW of electricity onto the National Grid network. The national grid is a transmission system for electricity, where it gathers electricity from a power station to homes and businesses in the UK.

The offshore and onshore substations and the export cables are collectively known as the ‘OFTO’. As required by law, the OFTO assets were sold in early 2024. Through the competitive process, Transmission Capital Partners (TCP) are now the asset owners and managers for the OFTO infrastructure.

Project Information

The Moray East Wind Farm consists of 100 turbines (Vestas V164 - 9.5MW) with 3 offshore substation platforms.

  • 1 million homes

    Meeting the average electricity needs of over 1 million homes through the UK.

  • 1.7 million tonnes of CO2

    1.7 million tonnes of CO2 emissions saved every year.

  • 295km2 site

    Secured through round 3 seabed leasing by the now Crown Estate Scotland

  • 950 MW capacity

    Generating power at the CfD price of £57.50/MWhr - or 5.75p/kWhr (in 2012 prices).

  • 204m Height

    Maximum turbine blade-tip height - 204m (669 feet).

  • 22km from the coastline

    Our wind farm is a minimum distance of – 22km (13.5 miles) from shore.